Part 2bi
“I was called Baba Go Slow. Those who were going fast, where did they get to?”
President Buhari
(https://www.channelstv.com/2018/09/28/i-was-called-baba-go-slow-buhari-blasts-elites-for-nigerias-challenges/ )
Atiku’s greatest advantage over Buhari, bequeathed to him by the president on a platter of gold, is his thinking capacity called IQ. The greatest advantage Buhari has made available to Atiku in their mutual but conflicting bid to be president (at the expense of the other) is Buhari’s lower IQ.
The greatest consequence of Buhari’s low IQ are the critical D-Days and H-Hours of vital time bound decisions, based on changing scenarios in which fresh and changing information, that may happen so fast, would require fast and right thinking. Buhari waisted his post victory good will in the months following his victory, by waiting six months, just to name his cabinet. Those six months of delay, viewed against, the speed required of him to make those critical D-day and H-hours may just make the difference…..against him!
The impact of his low IQ, on the 2019 elections is the strategic point of operational and tactical focus.
“The terms D-Day and H-Hour are used for the day and hour on which a combat attack or operation is to be initiated. They designate the day and hour of the operation when the day and hour have not yet been determined, or where secrecy is essential. For a given operation, the same D-Day and H-Hour apply for all units participating in it.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/D-Day_(military_term)
Used in this context, it means the various days and hours of strategic planning for victory in the 2019 elections. In the original historical usage, D-Day was the Allied amphibious landing of June 6,1944 (a Tuesday) on Normandy, the beach in France, where Operation Overlord (the code name for history’s largest ever amphibious landing to defeat Germany in WWII, was carried out.
Atiku, may have a far higher IQ than Buhari; the evidence is in his loot profile. Should there be any such thing as the evil genius award, instituted by General turned president Babangida, nominee Atiku Abubakar’s nomination entry at Port Harcourt, would play a prominent part in his emerging the winner of the 2019 edition.
“According to Col. Ugokwe, what first impressed him was that, he (Ugokwe) was sometimes, like his other colleagues, up to one mischief or the other on the parade ground to tease the expatriate sergeant. Anytime he hesitated in owning up, rather than allow him or all the cadets to be punished, Buhari usually took the blame. He did this according to Ugokwe, because Buhari felt ” we were strangers from the south. We had come a long way from home so he felt that, as an indigine of the area, he was one of our hosts and so had a duty to make things easy for us “. Since Ugokwe was his friend, that included sharing his punishment”
(Rosalin Odeh, with the editorial assistance of Funke Duyile, Florence Bolokor and Ilyasu Gadu wrote this on the 70th page, of the May 1984, publication of the Federal Department of Information Domestic Publicity Division’s publication, titled: “Muhammadu Buhari Nigeria’s seventh Head of State”).
The date was July 22, 2015, the venue was United States Institute of Peace; (USIP) 2301 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC
“One such question came from Dr. Pauline Baker, the President Emeritus of The Fund for Peace, who inquired about security in the Niger Delta area. The exact wording of her question was: “My question relates to another area of Nigeria that hasn’t gotten a lot of attention during this trip and that is the Niger Delta. It’s a challenge that you are going to face. I wonder if you would tell us how you intend to approach it with particular reference to the amnesty, bunkering, and inclusive development?”
President Buhari seemed to struggle with the question and at what point needed assistance from Mr Carson. President Buhari looked at Mr Carson with a puzzled expression and said, “inclusive?”
“Inclusive government…including women, youth”Mr Carson responded to President Buhari. “I see,” the President finally said.
President Buhari looked at Dr Baker and said, “I hope you have a copy of the election results. The constituents, for example, gave me 97% [of the vote] cannot, in all honesty, be treated on some issues with constituencies that gave me 5%.” “I think these are political reality,” the President added.”http://saharareporters
Buhari’s response had no correlation with the question. Dr. Baker was asking about the Niger Delta, the President was responding about a ratio of dominion, even at that he spoke in terms of ratio 97% to 5%…..a pointer to his IQ
- Why ratio 97% to 5% and not the conventional 97% to 3% or 95% to 5%?
- Where did the 97% to 5% come from?
- Why the “response reference”, to his now visible nepotism, when the question was on the Niger Delta?
The answers lie in the quality of his IQ.
“An intelligence quotient (IQ) is a total score derived from several standardized tests designed to assess human intelligence. The abbreviation “IQ” was coined by the psychologist William Stern for the German term Intelligenzquotient”
Since there is no evidence available to the writer of any IQ test, mutually conducted on Buhari and Atiku, to arrive at their actual IQ, Buhari’s IQ, is inferred from his 97% to 5% and not the conventional 97% to 3% or 95% to 5% ratios and his low level of comprehension, with respect to Dr. Baker’s question.
This leads to his background.
OBSERVATION 1: Odeh, again in the same publication wrote, but on the 24th page, wrote: ” “General Buhari started his military career at the then Nigerian Military Training College, Kaduna in 1962. He went to the Young Officers Course No. 5 at the Nigerian Military Training College, Kaduna from May 1963 to January 1963. In January 1963, he was commissioned in the rank of Second Lieutenant and posted to 2nd Infantry Battalion in Abeokuta as a platoon Commander”
Muhammadu Ribadu (not to be assumed to be the father of Nuhu Ribadu of EFCC) was the Defense Minister, at the point of Buhari’s recruitment, he died at 55, in 1965.
“On May 1, 1965, he was to be honoured along with the then Prime Minister, Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa (1912–66) by the then Premier of Northern Nigeria, Sir Ahmadu Bello (1909–66) with gold medals of the Usmamiya order in Kaduna. He died on the morning of that day at the age of 55.”https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammadu_Ribadu.
It was during his tenure as defense Minister, that Buhari was conscripted into the army, Inuwa Wada took over from Ribadu, following his death 1965.
OBSERVATION 2: “Alhaji Muhammadu Ribadu former Minister of defence in the 60s, is not Ribadu’s biological father as you wrote. His father is one Alhaji Ahmadu Ribadu. Nuhu said this in an interview with a BBC Hausa correspondence sometimes in 2005 ask BBC Hausa service for clarification.”http://www.gamji.com/article6000/news6221.htm
OBSERVATION 3: Max Siollun on the 28th and 29th pages of his 2009, Algora, New York published book, he titled: “Oil, Politics and Violence Nigeria’s Military Coup Culture 1966-1976”, provided the following information, based on the fact that Buhari was recruited (not joined) the army in 1962
“Rather than wait for large numbers of suitably qualified Northern officers to emerge, the Defense Minister (a Northerner) shifted the goalposts, and lowered the educational bar for officer admission. Northern concerns over Igbo presence in the officer corps led to the introduction of a regional quota system into the army recruitment process.
This quota system allocated a percentage of army recruitments to each region, with the Northern Region being guaranteed 50% of officer admission, and the Eastern Region and Western Region each having 25%.
The educational requirements for officer admission were also reduced, thus making it easier for less educated Northerners to enlist.
This raised a debate between Northerners and Southerners as to which of mental or physical dexterity should be the primary determinant in army admission.
Northern political interference in the military process was possible because the four most senior posts in the Ministry of Defense were occupied by Northerners. The Defense Minister, Minister of State Army, Ministry of Defense permanent secretary and deputy permanent secretary were all Northern (Inuwa Wada, Ibrahim Tako Galadima, Sule Kolo and Ahmadu Kurfi respectively).
Northern politicians seized the quota system as a way of guaranteeing a sizable Northern representation in the army and made great efforts to encourage young Northern students to enlist in the army. This act of great political foresight by the Northern leaders bore fruit for decades to come…..
Although the quota system increased Northern recruitment into the officer corps, some established officers feared that it would lead to a degradation in service standards. The lowering in educational entrance standards particularly antagonized some southern officers who feared that the Northern-led government was trying to expand dominance of the country to the army and was sacrificing merit for the sake of increasing Northern numerical representation in the officer corps.
Among the officers who enlisted after the introduction of the quota and lowering of educational entrance standards were B. S. Dimka and S. Abacha.”
- Abacha is General Sani Abacha, the infamous leader, who led Nigeria with his dark “eye glassed” iron fist rule, from 1993 to 1998. B. S. Dimka, was the army officer who led the abortive February, 13 coup against Murtala Mohammed.
1: Three men Abacha, Dimka and Buhari were commissioned (into the) Nigerian army in 1963.
- “Abacha was commissioned in 1963 after he had attended Mons Officer Cadet School in Aldershot, England. Before then, he had attended the Nigerian Military Training College in Kaduna.”https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sani_Abacha.
- “Buka Suka Dimka was commissioned as a Second-Lieutenant from the Australian Army Officer Cadet School, Portsea, into the Nigerian Army on December 13, 1963. He and another officer (Lt. Boniface Ikejiofor ) were the first two Nigerian Army officers to train in Australia and successfully complete the 12 months”https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buka_Suka_Dimka
- “1962 to 1963, Buhari underwent officer cadet training at Mons Officer Cadet School in Aldershot in England. In January 1963, at age 20, Buhari was commissioned a second lieutenant”https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammadu_Buhari
ANALYSIS 2: There was a “quota and lowering of educational entrance standards” into the army in favour of the North.”
ANALYSIS 3: The author, Max Siollun specifically mentioned Abacha and Dimka as beneficiaries of “quota and lowering of educational entrance standards”
ANALYSIS 4: Since Buhari was commissioned in 1963 like Abacha and Dimka he was also a beneficiary of “quota and lowering of educational entrance standards”
ANALYSIS 5: A number of Nigerian Army Officers received training in a British military institution called Mons Officer Cadet School in Aldershot. The list included Abacha and Buhari
“Mons Barracks was … constructed from 1926 to 1927……..1947, the Mons Officer Cadet Training Unit (Aldershot) was re-organised as an OCTU for short service and National Service officer cadets….. in 1960, Mons OCTU and Eaton Hall OCTU were combined to form the Mons Officer Cadet School. Mons OCS was made responsible for training all Short Service Officer Cadets, and for those joining the Regular Army as graduates. Later, Mons became also responsible for final training of candidates for Territorial Army commissions. The intensive training that emphasised cadets’ duties as subalterns, rather than as field officers and generals was fast and efficient, and attractive to potential officers since the course lasted just six months….The Mons OCS was closed in 1972”. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mons_Officer_Cadet_School
ANALYSIS 6: Siollun was silent on the specific WHEN or year “quota and lowering of educational entrance standards” became policy.
Was the policy on “quota and lowering of educational entrance standards” started during Inuwa Wada’s tenure (between 1965-1966) as Siollun in his well researched book seemed to suggest, or was it introduced by Muhammadu Ribadu during his 1960-1965 tenure when Buhari, Abacha and Dimka were recruited, and sustained by nuwa Wada, General Murtala Mohammed’s uncle, when he replaced him?
ANALYSIS 7: Since Buhari, Abacha and Dimka, were all commissioned in 1963, and Muhammadu Ribadu died 1965, the policy was clearly started by Muhammadu Ribadu, and not Inuwa Wada.
An opinion piece by Amaso Jack. Jack is a political strategist and analyst, he lectures at Nigerian Institute of Journalism, Lagos State.
The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author and not of Concise News.
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