It is 59 years since Nigeria gained independence from Britain, but the country is still depending upon Albion, Usania, and other advanced countries.
This Concise News writer scrutinises why.
Whether we continue to blame the present administration or past leaders, one thing that is certain is: THINGS ARE NOT WORKING! It’s as simple as that!
Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, Nigeria’s first prime minister, in his speech on October 1, 1960, said: “When this day in October 1960 was chosen for our Independence, it seemed that we were destined to move with quiet dignity to place on the world stage.” But how dignified are we on the world stage decades after?
Recently, South Africans renewed their aversion towards us. They – our brothers – humiliated us, looted shops and set fire to assets belonging to African immigrants in and around Johannesburg, the country’s largest city.
Is it really their fault? No! We are the one seeking green fields in their land. A country that was granted independence almost the same time as Nigeria! This shows the system in the West African country is malfunctioning.
Things are not working in Nigeria. That is why our brothers and sisters attempt the perilous journey to flee to evidently crisis-ravaged Libya. Some of those who return say they are being returned to the same conditions that made them risk their lives crossing the Sahara desert.
Things are not working in Nigeria. That is why migrants are all escaping grinding poverty and a high rate of unemployment to get to Europe.
Things are not working in Nigeria. That is why even when the ruling government says it wants to fight corruption – one of the biggest impediments to get the country working – the populace say “bring back our corruption”.
Things have NEVER worked in Nigeria. That is why despite being the largest oil producer in Africa, the country is unable to translate its oil wealth into rising living standards for its growing population. We still borrow from the likes of China and Japan, but the capital projects the money is used to finance dissipate.
However, we must not lose hope. Nigeria is ours. To get Nigeria working starts with you and me. Be patriotic; be trust worthy and honest; and contribute your bit in making the society as well as the country progress on healthy lines.
Meanwhile, importantly, political leaders should be selfless and incorruptible.
Nigeria will be great again in our lifetime!